Thursday, October 18, 2012

Greetings from steamy San Francisco!

Hey all!

I survived the 33 hour train ride! I know there were some doubts that I could stay sane, but I did. My legs haven't recovered, but as soon as I rid myself of this work I will spend my day wandering around San Francisco. It's supposed to be in the mid 80s today! Crazy! Haven't decided where I'm going to go, but I think wandering Golden Gate Park is probably the best idea.

I'm on the wrong computer right now, so I can't upload photos from the mountains. Needless to say, there were some spectacular vistas, over 50 tunnels, 250 miles along the Colorado River and almost as long following the American River. I was fortunate that I got a row to myself for the overnight section so I could spread out, and even slept a whole 4 hours! Not at once, of course, but one of the sessions lasted a full hour! I'm still waking up at east coast times. I guess that won't last too much longer.

When I arrived yesterday I spent some time working at a coffee shop, then a pizza place. Marc then picked me up and we went to a bar for a quick drink before heading back and watching some Walking Dead waiting for Emily to come home. Everyone was tired, so we didn't stay up too late. Hopefully Emily will be able to leave work at a reasonable hour today so we can have a real evening.

Well, I was waiting around for people to send me stuff, but I'm tired of it, so I'm leaving this coffee shop. I'll try to post photos later tonight.

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