Saturday, October 13, 2012

Approaching Denver

A fairly uneventful train ride. Did go through Nebraska and Iowa for the first times. There were some crazy thunderstorms in Nebraska. The rain was so heavy I couldn't see more than a few feet away on each lightning strike.

About an hour from Denver now. The mix of people on this ride is interesting. A direct line from one of the fattest cities in the US to one of the fittest. When I was in the cafe car earlier a 250 pounds man asked if they had Mountain Dew. They did. Gross. But they also have organic trail mix and vegan burgers (which they heat in the microwave). I had a frozen pizza and Sierra Nevada pale ale for dinner. Could have been worse.
Getting my first glimpse of the mountains now as the sun rises behind the train. Looks like it will be another beautiful sunny day in Denver! Colorado is one of my favorite places with a lot of my favorite people, looking forward to a great weekend!

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